Department of Arabic


The Department of Arabic in Patharkandi College came into existence at the time of establishment of the College in 1990. The department offers pass and honours courses in undergraduate level. The department has the plan for launching the Diploma Course Functional Arabic under the National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL).


The Department of Arabic Language and Literature looks forward to superiority and excellence locally and internationally. It also seeks to enhance the Arabic Language status through research contributions that would improve its students and serve the local community.


The Department of Arabic Language and Literature seeks to provide a suitable educational environment, hold curricular and extracurricular activities and place research on its top priorities in service of the local community. Moreover, providing an extensive range of transform society through the empowerment of youth and to impart the knowledge of secularism, reflected in the Arabic literature


The man objective of the department is teaching and learning of classical, modern, Indo Arabic Literature (Prose and Poetry), History, Grammer and contemporary functional Arabic etc., at the UG level.

Passing the legacy of Arabic language to the coming generation by way of going on with conducting and encouraging research.

Organizing and participating in seminars and conferences.

Going on with developing study plans in line with the requirement of quality education.

Continuous training on research and academic investigation.

Promoting the students’ scientific, intellectual and critical thinking skills.

Strengthening the relationship with the local community via holding seminars and conducting scientific studies.


Arabic Calligraphy Training Course (with the participation of the different faculties).

Arabization of Seminars with the participation of concerned faculties.

The Art of Book Reading Seminar with the participation of the teaching staff of other colleges and students alike.

Literature and Popular Culture Forum with the participation of scholars from inside and outside the institution.


There is a college central library, where many books are available of this department. The faculty members and students get benefits from this library.