Principal's Desk


From Principal’s Desk

Dear students,

We welcome you to Patharkandi College and hope that your existence here will be a fruitful one. Patharkandi College has an ambition to produce quality student in the academic as well as other socio-cultural field. We have similar expectations from you.

As you know, the founder of this College, Late Prof. Quomrul Hoque had faced so many challenges to establish the College. Even he had a dream to develop higher educational institution at the rural levels so that the children of poor people can get an opportunity to build their bright career through the facility of higher education. Though he left from the world earlier, but his mission and vision is going towards the path of fulfillment.

In order to build a strong nation, higher education and good moral character are necessary. Our commitment is to facilitate quality education to our students by utilizing updated sources. You student also have to be regular and maintain best academic atmosphere in the classes. Our teaching and non-teaching staffs are ever sincere and dedicated to maintain close co-operation with the students. The College authority makes his most to uphold the College to the excellent perfection in collaboration with the management corner.

Once again, our institution welcomes you and hope that you will develop a good academic career with strong personality. Our commitment is to attain perfection, and for this reason we will strive, seek and not give up until the goal is achieved.